We are having a special promotion on pickguard sets and prewired sets. Post your video to YouTube and get 30% off! Check our Reverb Shop for more info!
SSS and HSS pickguards with a dummy coil for noise cancellation are available for sale. Check our listing in Reverb.
Upcoming is SETron, which combines Filtertron and Humbucker. Stay tuned!
Free-Way 10-way switch (5B5-CJL) is there for HSH configuration with SETbuckers! It makes wiring of SETbucker pickups so much easier for any users (HSH wiring diagram, Reverb listing).

We are NOT a pickup maker who just tries to replicate vintage pickups. We are NOT the one that tries to override it with new pickup concepts either. We ARE the pickup maker who tries to expand the realm of pickup sound while retaining the vintage vibe. The SETbucker came to life out of such efforts. SET stands for Split, Expand and Tap. All 3 traits are forged into a Patent-Applied-For humbucker pickup, making it super versatile, through the patented "inner-coil".
Dig into more info about SETbucker here and check out our Youtube channel. You can enjoy in our homepage the sound samples of Classic, Modern and Inspire Series. We wind single coil pickups and vintage style humbuckers, too!
We don't do advertising so our pickups spread out slowly but here goes some reviews from our early adopters.
I agree with the pickup description "It feels like my Les Paul should have sounded this way but I didn't know before" after installing these pickups on my Gibson R9 Les Paul. This set is the best among 50+ pickup brands/models I have ever tried.
Dom P. (dompolito.com) on I-1N/1B
These pickups are great. Very bluesy, with that classic beefy-ness and bite. Love it. Hopefully people hear what I'm hearing, I think you'll give fender and Lollar some good competition with these. Very clear too.
Jason H. (jasonheninger.com) on S-2 set
Great balance between SETbucker and single coil pickups. Feel like I would never be bored of the sound from this pickup set.
Funkyman (YouTube channel) on M-2B/V-S2N/V-S2R
This is a set up I have been looking for a couple years. I installed it in my Fender and am very happy with the versatility of HSS and the SETbucker . CJLabs was quick in sending it and very professional I would not hesitate to suggest to any one this product. I will never buy a different pickup again.
Duane C on M-2B/S-1N/S-1R pickguard set
I have replaced Lollar Blackface set on my Strat with V-S2 set and am so satisfied with it. They are responsive to my picking nuance. Also dynamic and punchy. So fun to play.
BW Lee on V-S2 set
These pickups, whether in HB mode, single-coil (SET) or SE mode, actually sounded as good or better than the two LP-type guitars and the four Strat-type guitars I compared this guitar against. All of the other guitars had well-known pickups in them. The CJ Labs are extremely musical and have a clarity beyond compare. After playing this guitar with these pickups, I'm not sure I need another guitar.
Rechard C. on I-1N/1B
Good pickup!
Hyunjae Y. on M-2B
I am using an HSS vintage stratocaster (not a fender product). This pickup is highly recommended if you want to try a single coil sound and various tones in the bridge pickup position. This model has a good balance of SET, SE, and humbuckers, and it is a fantastic balance with the existing single coil on HSS strat guitars.
Seung M. on M-3B
I have to say these pickups (I-1) are in the real deal category. I put a set in an older tele thinline and wow – all I could have asked for then some. Sparkle and smooth at the same time. Touch sensitive, 3d all of the sweet vintage tone a lot of us are seeking.
David M. on I-1N/1B
The pickup sounds fantastic. My Epiphone Zephyr Regent Reissue now has multiple sound options even with one pickup on the neck. I am really enjoying CJLab SETbucker.
Fremont K. on C-2N