"Graduated" from Custom Shop to replicate legendary and/or popular pickups
Color: Black
Cover: Nickel and Gold, adds $10 and $15, respectively
Pole piece spacing: 49.2mm
5 lead wires + grounding shield (wiring diagrams)​
FMZ : Fantastic Mr. Z
A3 magnet / PE42
HB: 7.54k (Neck), 8.16k (Bridge)
SE: 4.47k (Neck), 4.78k (Bridge)
SET: 3.33k (Neck), 3.61k (Bridge)
Price: $85
FMZ is a replica of the legendary "Dry Z" pickup made by Greco in 1980-1983 for their high-end Les Paul models. It comes with an AlNiCo 3 (simply, A3) magnet. A3 is known to generate the least magnetic strength among all AlNiCo family, resulting in super "flat" response to the all frequency range. The tone is true to the guitar wood character. It shines with light to mid overdrive. The sounds out of it is... It feels like my Les Paul should have sounded this way but I didn't know before... It sounds weird but that's the best description I can make. If you like vintage sound and are not happy with your current pickups, this would be a great tryout.
JSB : JB Strikes Back
A5 magnet / SPN44
HB: 17.14k (Bridge)
SE: 10.24k (Bridge)
SET: 6.51k (Bridge)
Price: $85
The nickname tells it all. This pickup was inspired by one of ever-favorite pickups, Seymour Duncan JB model. The basic tone is surprisingly clean for its output, which is what the JB has been acclaimed for, but at the same time, it is not so kind when geared up for drive. It can pair with any neck pickup model like JB.
The tone and output difference between SET and SE modes is largest with JSB due to the higher coil turns. Check out tone spectrums from the sound samples below.